Sep 7, 2012 | announcement
Issue 4 — This One Was a Squeaker
by Brian J. White
We raised $3,000 on the final day of the Kickstarter, including $2,000 in the last hour and $1,000 in the last 10 minutes! We are so grateful to all of our backers. You wouldn’t let us fail, and so we were able to bring you this terrific issue.
We open with Elizabeth Bear’s Form and Void, a story about a difficult friendship tested at the fringe of human exploration. Next is Remaker, Remaker by Lucas J.W. Johnson, a look at obsession through a steampunk lens and set in a Roman Empire that never died. After that is our haunting comic, Famine’s Shadow, written by Rachel Deering and illustrated by Christine Larsen. Daniel Abraham follows with John Fisher, a story about a man, his wary stepdaughter, and an imaginary friend. And we close with Mary Robinette Kowal’s The White Phoenix Feather: A tale of cuisine and ninjas. I don’t think you need any more enticement to read than that subtitle, do you?
As we’ve been working on Issue Three, we’ve also been working on a plan for how to fund and publish Fireside in a longer-term, more sustainable way. We hope to have that together by the end of the year; keep an eye on firesidefiction.comfor details.
Thank you, as always, for reading.