Aug 7, 2016 | announcement
Issue 35 — August 2016
by Brian J. White
Welcome to Issue 35! We’ve had a busy month at Fireside. If you haven’t seen our special report on racism and the underrepresentation of black writers in short fiction magazines, along with the series of essays that goes with it, you can check it out here. The numbers are sobering, critical, and utterly unsurprising.
We’ve also been talking a lot about Year 5, which starts in January. We have a lot of plans, but also a lot to button down in terms of funding and sustainability. More on that later, but if you want to get a jump start now, take a look at our Patreon. It will be the only way to get ebooks in Year 5. Much more on this soon.
On to the issue! We open with a fantastic short piece as Lauren Roy returns to Fireside with In Memoriam: Lady Fantastic, which muses on the way great women — superwomen, even — are often done a disservice by the media in death. Next come two more stories selected by guest editor Daniel José Older. First is S.M. Mack’s Ariadne, Abandoned on Naxos, which takes you inside a piece of Greek mythology and its tangled web of love, loss, and freedom. Then we have Alexis A. Hunter’s Your Body, By Default, which takes you inside a body that is not your own, and then tears you apart. It’s got a fantastic illustration by Galen Dara. Thanks, as always, for reading.