Jan 7, 2017 | announcement
Issue 39: January 2017
by Brian J. White
And this is it! The end of Year 4 of Fireside, and the edge of the start of something new.
This is the last time we’ll be publishing our stories in a traditional “issue” format — online at least. We’re going to start publishing one story a week on a redesigned firesidefiction.com. We’ll still be collecting each month’s stories in an ebook for our Patreon backers.
(Speaking of which, if you’re a subscriber directly through our website and would like to keep getting Fireside ebooks, sign up for our Patreon. Our new site is moving to a platform that doesn’t support our ebook store, and we’re discontinuing direct subsctiptions.)
The new site launches on February 21. We’re really excited about our plans, and hope that you’ll love them.
For now, on to Issue 39!
We open with a weird little trip into a lava pit that is populated by a god, a lizard, and a mysterious visitor: Alexis A. Hunter’s God Talk: Advice From A Deity in Distress. Next up is the first in a series of clever, wonderful short pieces by Nino Cipri: It Happened To Me: My Doppleganger Stole My Credit Card Info, and then My Life. And our short story for the month… man I’ve been sitting on this one for a while and I’m so excited to bring it to Fireside’s readers. It’s Black Like Them, a searing piece that looks at what might happen if white people could live in black skin for just a day or two — and if some of them couldn’t go back. It comes from Troy L. Wiggins, who is also one of the editors of Fiyah, a literary magazine of black speculative fiction that launched earlier this month. It’s an amazing publication and is well worth your time and your dollars.
Thanks for reading! And we’ll see you again in a few weeks.