Dec 7, 2013 | announcement
Issue 8 — rom the Editor
by Brian J. White
And here we are at the end of 2013! The beginning of this year, when I had no idea what the future of Fireside was going to be, seems like a lifetime ago. But now we’re five issue into Year Two! Let’s dive in.
Our short story for December is The Gangs of Gnome Jersey by A. E. Decker. A. E. brings us to a quiet normal home in the suburbs of the Garden State. Well as normal as things can be when the owner of the house is a paranormal hitman whose roommate is a boogeyman. But things don’t get really strange until an uninvited guest arrives on the front lawn…
In flash fiction, we have Johann Thorsson’s First, Bite Just a Finger, a descent into a creepy new addiction, and Elizabeth’s Pirate Army by Caroline M. Yoachim, which follows a young girl’s war to save her neighborhood from an invading kraken.
And in Part Five of The Forever Endeavor, Chuck Wendig takes us on a trip to the casino with Dale and the Box and a plan.
Also, if you haven’t seen it, we’re running a Year Two subscription drive with some prizes through Sunday the 15th. If you know anyone who might be interested, please let them know. Or, if you would like to get a subscription for someone as a gift, shoot me an email at [email protected]. I’ll get it set up for you, and you’ll be entered in the drawings.
Thanks as always!