Feb 7, 2014 | announcement
Issue 10 — From the Editor
by Brian J. White
As we enter the second half of Year Two, we’re starting to get our ideas for Year Three together. You can read here about our plan (starting with a Kickstarter in March). We’ll be posting updates on our blog as we get closer to launch.
But back to the present! Our short story this month, The Brutal and the Simple,_ is our first Western, with Adam P. Knave taking us on a dusty, dark journey of dreams realized and shattered. In flash fiction, we have three stories this month. Sarah Pinsker’s They Sent Runners Out is a fairy tale soaked in tears; Hope for Enthos by Addison Smith puts us alongside a gargoyle’s last chance at freedom; and Kelly C. Stiles brings us the delightfully macabre Just a Couple Modifications.
In Part Seven of Chuck Wendig’s The Forever Endeavor, Dale is on to the next step in his scheme to win back Susannah. But Other Dale, he wants the same thing …