
A Fireside Fiction Company Special Report

Since 2016 Fireside has been commissioning a Report on the state of representation of Black authors within the speculative short fiction market, and a Special Feature composed of accompanying essays in reaction to the Report.


The 2017 #BlackSpecFic package is available as a PDF download for $5 on Gumroad. 100% of the money from each sale of the PDF goes directly into paying for next year’s #BlackSpecFic report and its accompanying essays.

As always, you can also read the report and essays online:

The 2017 #BlackSpecFic Report

by Cecily Kane

POB Scoring: Growth and Accountability

by L. D. Lewis

More Than Numbers

by Khaalidah Muhammad-Ali

Three Years Into the #BlackSpecFic Report

by Mikki Kendall

Fireside #BlackSpecFic Report Response

by Inda Lauyrn

On Gaming, Fantastic Racism, & Real World Bigotry

by Latonya Pennington

A Message From the Publisher

by Pablo Defendini


The 2016 #BlackSpecFic Report

by Cecily Kane

The FIYAH #BlackSpecFic Roundtable

by The FIYAH Magazine Staff

A Note from the Editor of the #BlackSpecFic Responses

by Mikki Kendall

A response to the #BlackSpecFic Report

by De Ana Jones

Zero Percent Chance

by Chesya Burke

The Ones Who Walk Away from the Genres

by Jennifer Marie Brissett

Diversity Doesn’t Just Happen

by Maurice Broaddus

One Year Later and We Still Have Work To Do

by Khaalidah Muhammad-Ali

Addressing a problem

by Thea James

It’s Up to Us

by Pablo Defendini


Antiblack Racism in Speculative Fiction (The 2015 #BlackSpecFic Report)

by Cecily Kane

A Note from the Editor of the #BlackSpecFic Responses

by Brian White

Ones and Twos and Rarely Threes

by Nisi Shawl

Opportunity Lost

by Mikki Kendall

Speculative Antiblackness

by Troy L. Wiggins

Two Percent

by Justina Ireland

Boldly Going Nowhere

by Tobias Buckell

We Are Writing the Future

by Anonymous

Interview with N.K. Jemisin

by Brian White

Help us keep this conversation going

We spent around $1,700 paying the various people involved in producing the latest #BlackSpecFic report and its accompanying essays. This type of work is a core part of our mission, and it is only possible due to your direct support.

You can make a one-time contribution, or become one of our recurring monthly backers, but either way, your cash will go toward helping us ensure a bright future for a thriving, sustainable field.

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