Jul 7, 2012 | announcement
Issue 2 — WOW. ISSUE TWO.
by Brian J. White
Fireside is turning into a Real Thing. We’re so grateful to everyone who’s supported us this year as we’ve continued our crazy experiment in publishing great stories regardless of genre and in fair pay for creators.
I’m really pleased with Issue Two. It’s fulfilled one of my hopes for the magazine that each issue will be very different from the others. We open with Kat Howard’s The Heart of the Story, a lush exploration of a place where tales may well be born. Next is Jake Kerr’s Perspective, a near-future story in which we meet a reclusive, heartbroken father who doesn’t understand his son’s need to cover a city in graffiti. Next is our comic, An Honest Mistake, which I wrote and which artist Steve Walker and letterer Frank Cvetkovic brought to life. It looks at what could happen at the end of the world when everyone has watched too many end-of-the-world movies. Following that is a horror story, Damien Walters Grintalis’ Scarred, about a young woman trying to suppress a dark urge that she once indulged. And we close with Rhapsody in Blue Shift, a supernatural science-fiction story by Stephen Blackmoore, who is quite afraid this optimistic tale will ruin his street cred as a bloody-nosed pulp writer. And of course, there’s the incredible artwork by Galen Dara, who did the cover based on Kat’s story, as well as the interior illustrations with the other stories.
We hope you enjoy Issue Two. We’ll be back with a Kickstarter for Issue Three in September. For now, our plan is to keep preselling the issues through Kickstarter, along with offering the premium rewards, while we build up our subscriptions and single-copy sales. If you know anyone who you think would like Fireside, you can point them to firesidemag.com/getfireside, where eBook and PDF editions of Issues One and Two are for sale, along with subscriptions.
Thank you for reading.